
3 Things You Should Know about Birth Injuries

BIKLaw Medical Malpractice Lawyer > Birth Injury > 3 Things You Should Know about Birth Injuries

The birth of a new baby is a joyous occasion. However, for those parents whose baby’s arrival is heralded by otherwise preventable birth injuries, this can also be a time of great anxiety and some sorrow. Birth injuries can be, but aren’t always, the result of identifiable medical malpractice. Serious injuries can result from malpractice for both the baby or babies affected, who might live with handicaps or reduced lifespan, or their parents, who often face increased financial hardship and difficulty meeting their child’s increased care requirements at home.

If your child was born with a birth injury then you should contact a birth injury attorney in Los Angeles who is qualified and experienced in representing parents in medical malpractice cases. One such lawyer is Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq., who is both a Los Angeles birth injury attorney and also a medical doctor. Here are three things to know about birth injuries:

1. It’s important to pay attention to warning signs. Most birth injuries are discovered by symptoms that can range from delayed development to facial irregularities. Sometimes these symptoms present themselves at or shortly after birth, while others are not identifiable until the child is older. Poor coordination or vision problems can indicate brain trauma that may have resulted from a birth injury. Poor muscle control or movement can be a sign of musculoskeletal injuries that occurred at the time of birth. Cognitive delays or failure to thrive injuries can be among the most serious birth injuries and may have consequences that can require years or even decades of therapy and medical care to treat.

2. Medical records are extremely important. Always keep copies of your baby’s medical records. This is especially important if you suspect a birth injury may have occurred. A birth injury lawyer such as Los Angeles lawyer Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq., will immediately want to examine these records as they might show crucial evidence in the form of heart rate, respiration, and physician and nurse notations in the records.

3. Reach out to a Los Angeles birth injury lawyer as soon as you suspect a birth injury. Don’t wait to see if symptoms get worse or resolve themselves. The sooner you act, the better you can protect your child’s future. This means getting the injury identified as soon as possible and also getting legal help to determine who is the responsible party. While special rules exist for birth injury claims for babies in Los Angeles, all medical malpractice claims are subject to a statute of limitations which may prevent parents from filing a claim more than one year after either the injury occurred or they should have known of injurious conduct.

Call the Trial Law Offices of Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq., at (310) 289-2600 if you suspect your child has had a birth injury. You can also visit us online to have your case reviewed. Don’t wait to act, because delay can prevent you – and your child – from getting the help you deserve.

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