If your newborn has suffered a birth injury, it is very possible that you feel overburdened, stressed, devastated, and potentially helpless.  Taking care of a child with a birth injury can be devastating on both an emotional and a financial level. If your child has an injury or a condition caused by the doctor delaying...
Boy running in a park - Cost of Cerebral Palsy Graphic
Since its discovery more than 100 years ago, not much information has been provided about the financial impact of cerebral palsy on families or patients dealing with this tragic injury.  This lack of literature, however, does not diminish the fact that the average lifetime cost of treating a child with the condition can have a...
Mom holding baby's feet, how to recognize failure to diagnose during pregnancy graphic
Throughout pregnancy and childbirth, the mother and infant’s health depend on the knowledge and care provided by medical staff. Medical providers are supposed to have the experience, training, and knowledge necessary to properly care for the mother and the infant, yet some issues may go unnoticed, and mistakes can be made. Sometimes these are minor...
Here's when you should consider hiring a cerebral palsy attorney.
While the vast majority of medical injuries happen to adults, unfortunately, children can also sustain injuries at the hands of medical professionals, even during the birthing process. When those injuries are the result of negligence or a mistake by the physician or the healthcare facility, you can pursue a medical malpractice claim to recoup compensation...
What causes the most common type of birth injuries?
During the birthing process, in very unfortunate circumstances, a newborn baby may be physically injured. Some injuries are simply the result of the traumatic event of being born. However, it’s important to understand that some birth injuries are caused by medical negligence and certain cases may need to be evaluated by a Los Angeles birth...
Baby Birth Injury
The birth of a new baby is a joyous occasion. However, for those parents whose baby’s arrival is heralded by otherwise preventable birth injuries, this can also be a time of great anxiety and some sorrow. Birth injuries can be, but aren’t always, the result of identifiable medical malpractice. Serious injuries can result from malpractice...
What’s in a name? As it turns out, maybe the key to preventing over a third of hospital errors made with newborns. A new study published in the medical journal Pediatrics reported that the way hospitals refer to newborn babies may cause up to 36% percent of medical errors made with the infants. The majority...
Baby crying black and white
All preterm babies face a difficult road. Being born prematurely puts infants at risk for a host of medical complications and issues, including cerebral palsy. Not all premature babies are born with cerebral palsy. However, nearly half of babies born with cerebral palsy were premature. There is a connection between early birth, low birth weight,...
Newborn baby sleeping in the bed
During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes in a myriad of ways. While the majority of these changes benefit both the mother and her baby, some women’s bodies react to the changes of pregnancy poorly. The body may begin reacting differently to normal hormones, which may affect the success of the pregnancy. For nearly 18% of...
Baby holding an adult's thumb
Every year, approximately 35,000 babies are born with a heart defect. Congenital heart problems affect up to 8 out of every 1,000 births, and can range in severity from a minor complication to a life-threatening condition which requires surgical correction. These congenital conditions can be caused by a genetic disorder, by medication taken by the...
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