Each year in Los Angeles and throughout the country, thousands of healthy babies are born to excited, joyous moms and dads. After all, for many individuals, having a baby is a beautiful occasion, one the person and/or couple has been looking forward to for a while. However, at the same time, many infants do not have the same positive birth experience. In fact, almost seven out of 1,000 infants born in the United States each year are physically injured during labor and delivery. The sad truth: many of these injuries are preventable.
We have discussed the scary reality of medical malpractice in Los Angeles and some examples of it. Medical malpractice occurs when a doctor, medical professional, or other healthcare provider deviates from the accepted standard of care within the community. This type of negligent behavior happens more often than you might think, especially during childbirth. An experienced Los Angeles med mal lawyer can describe what constitutes negligence in more detail.
There are several types of birth injuries that more commonly occur during childbirth. Some can be very serious, even fatal. These birth injuries include:
- Cerebral palsy
- Brain damage
- Brachial Plexus or Erb’s Palsy
- Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy or HIE
- Brain swelling
- Facial nerve damage
- Skull fractures
It is important to note that not all birth injuries show up immediately. While many birth injuries are physical and can be quite obvious, even to the untrained medical professional, other birth injuries can be developmental or congenital, which take longer to show up in your child. Your baby could be suffering from a birth injury that is might not become apparent until down the road.
Birth injuries are a serious and costly example of medical malpractice. With the help of an experienced birth injury lawyer in Los Angeles, you might be able to recover financial damages for the injuries your child suffered at the hands of a negligent healthcare professional.
The doctors turned lawyers at The Trial Law Offices of Bradley I. Kramer understand both your child’s medical injuries and the law that protects them. If your child has been injured by a California medical professional, it is important that you do not delay in speaking to a skilled Los Angeles medical malpractice lawyer. California has a statute of limitations for medical malpractice and birth injury claims, meaning that you must file your lawsuit within a certain amount of time in order to recover money for your injuries.
For a no-cost consultation, contact BIK Law today.