Kaiser Permanente Medical Malpractice Attorney
Because of the high price of health insurance and medical care in general, many patients have turned to affordable options like Kaiser Permanente, a nonprofit, managed care consortium that offers both health plans and an integrated healthcare (health services) delivery system. In other words, they supply health insurance linked to their healthcare facilities and providers.
This can prove to be more affordable than other healthcare options and convenient for many patients who appreciate having access to primary and specialty care all in one place. The downside of this system is that it can serve as a hotbed of medical malpractice. Why is Kaiser medical malpractice so widespread?
It may have something to do with the fact that there’s an inherent conflict of interest when a company is both your health insurance provider and your medical care provider. When the insurer also employs doctors, cutting costs instead of providing the best patient care could be the primary goal.
It could also be related to the rules patients must agree to when they become members of Kaiser, primarily waiving the right to a trial in disputes in favor of arbitration. When patients go into arbitration without a lawyer, facing off against Kaiser’s army of legal representatives, it’s no wonder 75% of their Kaiser malpractice cases fail. This is why it’s so important to find a reputable medical malpractice law firm and attorneys with experience fighting and winning Kaiser medical malpractice lawsuit cases.
California Medical Malpractice Claims Against Kaiser
Kaiser Permanente is a huge organization, so it should come as no surprise that medical malpractice claims against them and the healthcare professionals they employ are numerous. These Kaiser malpractice claims may be related to cases involving:
- Birth injuries
- Misdiagnosis
- Surgical errors
- Hospital or ER errors
- Wrongful death
- and more
In California alone, there have been cases in the last few years related to negligence, such as negligent diagnosis and treatment of a bone infection in an 11-year-old patient, the death of a man resulting from a Kaiser doctor overruling another physician’s assessment that he needed a pacemaker; catastrophic injury caused by a misdiagnosis of sepsis; and many more.
Seeking Justice in Kaiser Malpractice Cases
In such cases, representation by experienced Kaiser malpractice attorneys is essential to increase your chances of securing the compensation you’re due. The Trial Law Offices of Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq. represents patients in medical malpractice cases concerning:
- Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a serious disease or illness
- Delayed diagnosis
- Failing to provide treatment on time
- Prescribing the wrong medication or the wrong dosage
- Failure to provide standard follow-up care
- Misinterpretation of lab results or lab mistakes
- Inability to order necessary tests
- Anesthesia errors
- Hospital or care facility errors
- Birth injuries
- Brain injuries
- and more
When you suffer injury, illness, or harm, or you’ve lost a loved one as a result of Kaiser malpractice, you need a qualified and experienced law firm to step in and fight for the compensation you deserve.
Free Case Evaluation by Proven Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Medical malpractice cases are incredibly complex and can be difficult to prove. Because Kaiser malpractice lawsuit cases demand arbitration, to be decided by a judge instead of a jury, the scales are already tipped in favor of Kaiser Permanente and its army of lawyers.
This is why it’s important to hire injury attorneys who have experience in California medical malpractice cases, specifically fighting against Kaiser. The Trial Law Offices of Bradley I. Kramer, M.D., Esq. offers legal expertise, the medical knowledge needed to win such cases, and a proven track record of success.
Contact us today at 310-289-2600 or online to schedule your free case evaluation and learn how we can help with your Kaiser medical malpractice lawsuit claim.