
Side Effects of Unsafe Prescription Drugs

BIKLaw Medical Malpractice Lawyer > Pharmaceuticals > Side Effects of Unsafe Prescription Drugs

Unsafe pharmaceutical drugs are a serious issue in California. In fact, each year throughout the county, thousands of patients are seriously injured, and even die, as a result of unsafe prescription medications.  Serious injuries or death from prescription drugs can come from previously unreported side effects, adverse drug reactions, interactions between two drugs, and/or a medication error. This happens because prescription drugs with unsafe side effects are often rushed to the market without adequate testing.

When drugs are recalled they generally for two reasons: 1) the drug has caused serious injuries or death to someone, or 2) the drug has been labeled as defective, which can be determined by the FDA or the pharmaceutical company that manufactured it.  Whether or not a drug has been recalled by the FDA or the manufacturer, if you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of taking the prescription, reach out to a skilled unsafe pharmaceutical drug attorney in Los Angeles.

The side effects of unsafe pharmaceuticals can vary with the individual. Have you or a loved one suffered an adverse reaction to a drug that you were prescribed? Here is a general list of possible side effects from taking different drugs:


  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • increased blood pressure
  • loss of taste or smell
  • mood swings
  • loss of coordination
  • skin irritations, such as hives or rashes
  • liver or kidney damage
  • depression
  • stomach ache
  • dry mouth

Be aware that side effects vary per individual. Please discuss your specific case with your attorney.

If you or a loved one has been injured by the use of an unsafe pharmaceutical, California law provides a way to recover financial damages. Depending upon the circumstances, a skilled products liability lawyer may be able to file a lawsuit on your behalf, allowing you to recover for medical bills and other costs associated with your specific injury.

The skilled doctors turned lawyers at BIKLAW understand both the law and the medicine behind your injuries and the drugs you were taking. When searching for legal representation that can skillfully explain your injuries and the damages suffered, contact Bradley I. Kramer, MD, Esq. today.


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