BIKLaw Medical Malpractice Lawyer >
A doctor pointing to a specific brain scan to point out an injury or abnormalities.
The last thing you expect when you undergo a medical procedure is to end up with brain damage. However, this is a tragic outcome for countless patients. When medical care results in brain damage, a brain injury lawyer may be able to help you recover compensation. Insurance companies don’t hand out brain injury compensation without...
Two surgeons operating on a patient in the emergency room.
Surgical errors happen all the time. Unfortunately, patients don’t always realize that the health issues they’re dealing with result from a surgeon’s mistake. Awareness of common surgical errors and how to recognize them is essential for knowing when to call a surgical error lawyer to help file a claim. What Is a Surgical Error? A...
An informed consent patient form on a desk with a stethoscope next to it.
As a patient in the United States, you have rights. You have the right, for example, to receive competent care from your medical team and to be treated with dignity and respect at all times. You also have the right to make an informed decision regarding what care and treatment you want to receive. No...
A surgeon passing a tool to another surgeon in the operating room.
Recently, the National Institutes of Health reported that approximately 200 million surgical procedures occur every year around the world — and that in over 4,000 of those procedures, there are complications caused by surgical errors. While that may not be a lot on a percentage basis, that still leaves 4,000 individuals out there who have...
A man consenting to a doctor before a major surgery.
When you visit a physician, surgeon, or medical care facility, you trust and expect that you will receive care that complies with a reasonable standard of care. You should not become more ill or injured as a result of your healthcare provider’s actions. Doctors, nurses, and healthcare organizations are held to a high standard of...
A gavel sitting next to an old clock to represent the need to file a claim within the statute of limitations.
Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional fails to follow accepted standards of care. Patients who suffer an injury or illness due to a medical provider’s negligence may be entitled to financial compensation. A range of circumstances may constitute medical malpractice or negligence. But when doctors fail to engage in widely accepted best practices for...
A nursing administering medication to a patient.
Your doctor may be the one to prescribe you certain medications. But if you are in a hospital or skilled care facility, it is the job of your nurses to ensure you take the medication prescribed by your doctor as prescribed. Even nurse practitioners in California can only prescribe you medication while under the supervision...
A woman testifying in court to help prove a medical malpractice lawsuit.
If you are a fan of television courtroom dramas, you are likely familiar with the phrase “burden of proof.” In many of these shows, the characters use this term in connection with another phrase, “beyond a reasonable doubt.” These two phrases show how much evidence the protagonist, who is usually a prosecutor, must present to...
baby with a birth injury in the NICU
What is supposed to be one of the most joyous times of your family’s life can turn tragic through the negligence or inattentiveness of your medical team. Some birth injuries and defects are congenital and unavoidable. Others, however, are carelessly inflicted by medical personnel who use too much force to assist in delivery, miss crucial...
nurses walking down a hospital hallway talking to each other
When you hear the phrase “medical malpractice,” you might instinctively think about careless surgeons leaving foreign objects inside surgical openings or doctors prescribing inappropriate courses of treatment. While these are valid examples of medical negligence, doctors and surgeons are not the only ones who can commit acts of medical malpractice. Nurses are essential to your...
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