Child molestation is wrong in any context. It requires a mind so sick and twisted that most people cannot even fathom how one would get to a state of perception where such activity was even remotely appropriate. In recent years, we have seen this play out in the Penn State scandal, but none was more heavily publicized than the Roman Catholic Church scandal. Now, it appears that following the archdiocese’s agreement to pay a record $660 million settlement with victims in 2007, the names of the culpable clergy members will finally be released, according to Judge Emile Elias’ most recent ruling in the matter. Finally, I say!
If you ask me, I say let the names of these individuals be published everywhere. Take out a full page advertisement in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and New York Times listing each of their names in bold print. I hope these individuals live with the public shame of their indiscretions for the rest of their lives. In my book, there are certain things that merit forgiveness over time. Often times, in families or other relationships, words are said or things are done that looking back shouldn’t have been said or done. I’ve handled multiple cases of partnership disputes, family disputes, corporate disputes, many of which stem from the disintegration of relationships that were once sacrosanct. But this sexual molestation, of a child no less, crosses the line in my book to a type of conduct that is absolutely unforgivable.
Whether these individuals pay the price financially, or pay the price with their maker, I am ecstatic that they will now have to publicly live with the shame of their sins. If you have ever been sexually assaulted or abused in any way please pick up the phone and call an attorney. Whether it be my office or someone else’s office, please don’t let this type of conduct go unpunished.
— Bradley I. Kramer, MD, Esq.