woman not giving a man consent at all throughout the night and thinking about how she needs to call a sexual assault attorney
Recently, the topic of “consent” in connection with sexual activities has been thrust into the national spotlight in a variety of cases, including those that have taken place in California. Because...
Person getting arrested after killing someone from drunk driving and causing a wrongful death lawsuit
During the past few decades, driving under the influence has been a significant problem. Across the United States, the legal limit for blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08%. Anyone who operates a...
doctor apologizing to his patient to avoid a medical malpractice claim
Apologizing for something can repair relationships and is considered an integral aspect of communication. However, apologies are controversial in the medical system. Physicians may want to apologize to patients who have...
wrongful death form to fill out a claim for a wrongful death attorney
Often, people die from accidents or intentional acts of others. If a person dies because of the negligence or misconduct of another person, the next of kin may be able to...
medical malpractice
Patients depend on medical professionals to diagnose and treat medical conditions. One of the most devastating medical conditions can be a stroke. Under most circumstances, strokes present with hallmark signs and...
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