Business fraud is, in non-legal terms, fraud in any business activity that resorts to deceitful practices to cause economic injury. Business fraud cases in Los Angeles go beyond an ordinary breach of contract dispute and can happen in transactions involving the sale of a business or real estate, and in contractual disputes. Unfortunately, there are...
As we have discussed at length, hit and run accidents are all too common in Los Angeles. The most recent statistics put Los Angeles as the nation’s leader in hit and runs, at 20,000 cases per year. Certainly not the most prestigious honor. While the California legislature has tried to address this issue, in part,...
We have some good news for California nursing home residents and the loved ones who are concerned for their well-being: California nursing homes have cut down significantly on the use of anti-psychotic drugs. Anti-psychotic medications, when used on residents with dementia or schizophrenia, can be helpful. However, when the medications are misused or abused, that’s...
How safe is your child’s car seat? Recently, several children’s car seat manufacturers have issues recalls on their products, for one reason or another. For example, Combi USA was recently forced to recall over 30,000 child car seats because federal officials believed the restraining straps could break in the event of a crash. This forced recall followed...
The sad truth for many Los Angelenos is that we spend a good part of our days on the road, stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. Perhaps it is the sheer number of cars on the road, or maybe we just are not the best drivers in the country, but auto accidents are common in...
Brain injuries can be serious, long-term injuries that affect an individual’s way of life. For young victims of traumatic brain injuries, this could mean years of expenses relating to hospital and medical visits, assisted living care, and modifying one’s home to accommodate the victim’s mental or physical handicaps. Many brain injuries occur as a result...
If you live in California, or watch the news, you’ve probably heard about the coach who is suing his little league player for negligence. The coach was injured when a stray batting helmet struck his lower leg, specifically his achilles tendon. The helmet, which was tossed in celebration of the team scoring the winning run, allegedly...
Sadly, the news is filled with tragic stories of routine medical cases gone wrong. We’re not just talking about harmless mistakes by doctors and other healthcare professionals, but serious cases of medical negligence; such as amputating the wrong limb or prescribing medication that leads to the patient’s unnecessary death. If you or a loved one...
Bus accidents are all too common on California roadways. Fortunately for both those who ride buses and other drivers and passengers on the road, the federal government is cracking down on unsafe buses in California; recently issuing an order that shut down five “unsafe” bus companies. For example, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) ordered Los...
With the New Year comes a number of new automobile and pedestrian-related regulations that go into effect in California. For example, in the area of traffic laws, three important laws became active on Jan. 1. In addition, vehicle registration fees will increase by $1 for passenger vehicles and $2 for commercial vehicles in 2014. These additional fees...
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