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When is leaving the hospital too soon considered medical malpractice
If you are sent home by a physician or a hospital before you are medically safe to leave, such a decision could constitute medical negligence or medical malpractice. Sometimes medical professionals or hospitals decide to send a patient home too early. That means the patient is released before he or she is medically stable enough...
medical malpractice evidence
Every day, millions of Americans depend on medical providers to take care of their medical needs and ensure they are provided with appropriate treatment. This care may involve prescribing medications, performing surgical procedures, formulating a medical assessment, or ordering medical tests to make a formal diagnosis.  While medical professionals undergo extensive schooling and training, they...
common medical errors
When you seek medical treatment, you depend on your medical provider to provide the care that you need at the level that is required. While medical malpractice can occur at any level, there are some areas in which medical malpractice is more common and more likely to occur. One of the most common areas where...
surgery mistakes could be medical malpractice
All medical professionals, including nurses and doctors (and especially surgeons and anesthesiologists who frequently work on patients with life-threatening conditions), have a duty of care not to harm their patients. When a medical professional doesn’t meet the proper standard of care for their patient’s condition, and this results in injury, this could be a case...
recent study reveals stressed surgeons make more mistakes.
A Columbia University study revealed surgeons who are stressed make 66% more mistakes in the operating room than they would otherwise make. Medical mistakes cause anywhere from 250,000 to 440,000 deaths in the United States every year.  Translation: medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, just behind heart disease...
Can you sue the hospital for medical malpractice?
If you or a loved one has been injured by medical malpractice, a hospital, physician, or other health care provider or facility can be held liable for the injuries inflicted and damages suffered. However, when a medical negligence claim is being brought, the nature of the relationship between the practitioner and the facility plays a...
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