prescription errors and medical malpractice
When you are suffering from a medical problem, and you are prescribed medication to treat your condition, you’re supposed to be able to trust your physician and other healthcare providers, such...
negligent drug rehab centers Beverly hills lawyer
Alcohol and drug addiction are a national crisis. Prescription painkillers, synthetic opioids like fentanyl, oxycodone, oxycontin, and heroin lead to the death of more than 115 Americans every day, according to...
medical misdiagnosis stroke symptoms
Strokes are the third leading cause of death throughout the United States and a leading cause of disability in adults. Strokes are defined as the sudden death of brain cells caused...
medical malpractice in los angeles wrong diagnosis
When a patient is unwell and seeks the advice of their physician, they have a reasonable expectation of being properly diagnosed and treated. When a patient is misdiagnosed, it can have...
Exhausted and overworked nurses may put patients at risk.
As healthcare’s unsung heroes, nurses work long shifts to ensure that doctor’s orders are followed and implemented. Working in a chaotic and exhausting environment, nurses interact with patients, doctors, and peers,...
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