Exhausted and overworked nurses may put patients at risk.
As healthcare’s unsung heroes, nurses work long shifts to ensure that doctor’s orders are followed and implemented. Working in a chaotic and exhausting environment, nurses interact with patients, doctors, and peers,...
how to recognize a patient's wrongful death
Despite the safety procedures and studies performed to learn about medical errors, there are thousands of patients who still die as a result of medical malpractice each and every year. If...
Wrongful deaths at opioid rehab facilities
Drug and alcohol abuse and addiction have become a severe problem across this country. As far back as 2011, reports indicated that over 20 million people in the U.S. older than...
High cost of radiology errors
When radiology mistakes happen, they can cause severe damage. In fact, research has shown that 80 percent of radiology-related malpractice claims either cause death or permanent injury. For individuals and families...
How medication errors impact the elderly.
A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland showed the connection between elderly patient deaths and medication administration errors. While the research was focused principally in England and Wales, it...
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