‘Tis the season for summertime activities and one of the most popular (and romantic)? Hot air ballooning. A lovely way to sail over the local landscape and, if you’re of age, drink champagne with your loved one, hot air ballooning can also be dangerous. You might recall the recent story of a hot air balloon...
As comedian Tracy Morgan’s recent auto accident showed, catastrophic accidents can happen to anyone at any time. If you have not heard, Morgan’s limo van was hit by a tractor-trailer on the New Jersey Turnpike at about 1 a.m. Saturday. Funnyman Morgan suffered several injuries, including broken ribs, a broken nose, a broken leg and...
We have all likely heard the jokes about pregnancy brain, but is it true that pregnant women may be more at risk of getting in a car accident in Los Angeleswhile driving?  According to the results of a new study, the answer is yes: Pregnant women in their second trimester are at a greater risk...
If you’ve been injured in an accident in Los Angeles, you are probably dreading the inevitable: the day when you have to deal with insurance companies. As we have discussed, insurance providers can be challenging to work with and even your own insurance company is not really on your side. What’s more, different insurance companies...
Are you worried that your elderly family member might be the victim of elder abuse? Sadly, it is far more common in Los Angeles than many people think.  In the United States, the 2010 Census recorded the greatest number and proportion of people age 65 and older in all census history: 40.3 million, or 13%...
If you have been injured by a pharmaceutical drug, you are probably angry, confused, and ready to sue. However, due to a US Supreme Court decision, you may not be able to. Even though nearly 80% of prescriptions filled in the United States are generic prescriptions, our Supreme Court has essentially said if you suffer...
What happens if you slip and fall or trip and fall in a Los Angeles department store, grocery store, or mall? Can you sue the owner or business? Should you contact a lawyer? In California, slip and fall accidents are generally considered “premises liability” cases. Did the property owner or possessor act with reasonable care...
Head injuries and brain trauma are common causes of disability and death in the United States and tragically, many of these fatal and non-fatal injuries could have been avoided. If you or a loved one have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result of a third party’s negligence (perhaps in a car accident...
You might have heard about the recent bus accident that killed 10 high school students when a FedEx tractor-trailer crossed a grassy freeway median and slammed into the bus. According to news reports, while many of the 40 plus students who were on a trip from Los Angeles to Humboldt State University were able to...
A car accident, minor, major, and everything in between, can be a source of great stress and confusion, especially in the first few moments after being involved in one.   If you are involved in a car accident in Los Angeles, there are a few things you can do to protect your emotional sanity and...
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